Saturday, May 23, 2020

Questions History of American Capitalism Free Essay Example, 2500 words

It sought to eliminate the power of monopolies by government organizations, as well as major banks in America. It emphasized on the necessity for the government enable a friendly environment to get a decent salary. Progressive movement also promoted the rights of women and equality among the people (Roark & Roark, 2009). The banks were able to get increased funds because of the availability of money being saved by the people who were engaged in trade activities. The banks also started giving out loans at which were paid back with interest. 6. Discuss why American business became supportive of government regulation of the American economy in the early 20th century. The business leaders and the political leaders began involving the government in the economic matters for several reasons. The change was because of the pressure that was put by other small businesses, labor unions and other firms (Fogel, Goldin & Rockoff, 1992). These unions began asking for interception of the government on their behalf in trade-related problems. Consequently, America’s business started to involve the government in its business matters for fairness. We will write a custom essay sample on Questions: History of American Capitalism or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now By involving the government, the competition was going to be stepped up, and the government was going to help fight corruption. 7. Describe two reasons why the Ford Motor Company lost control of the market in the 1930s Ford Motor lost control in the 1930s because of producing many units than the demand that was available at that time. Therefore, it ended up incurring many costs than they had sold thus making many losses. Investors who had invested in Ford Motor Company started to panic hence ended up selling their shares. Consequently, the share prices dropped and the investors who had bought the shares lost their values in the company (Bak, 2003). Later, Ford Company got a bad publicity, and its customers lost their deposits in the company. Ford’s loss was also attributed to the negative comments he made on one of the articles published at that time whereby he blamed Jews for the problems that it was experiencing. 8. Describe two ways Alfred Sloan revolutionized the auto industry as head of General Motors. During Sloan’s tenure at General Motors, he revolutionized the industry through his leadership styles. For instance, he introduced the idea of changing the styles of the model s produced annually, and he fathered the concept of planned obsolescence. Secondly, Sloan revolutionized the motor vehicle industry through the introduction of varied prices for the different motor vehicle models (Heitmann, 2009).

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